Вікі-стаття з теми:"забруднення водоймищ"

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Захист навколишнього середовища

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учні 7 класу

Тема дослідження

Забруднення водоймищ

Проблема дослідження

How to prevent water pollution?

Гіпотеза дослідження

Clean water is a myth or reality?

Мета дослідження

The aim of the research is to describe different forms of pollutants and harmful influence on the health of humans and animals.

Результати дослідження

Results of the research: The results will be presented in a form of a group project showing the problems of pollutions and the ways of overcaming. Water covers more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. While less than 3 percent of this water is drinkable, all of it is necessary for supporting life on Earth. Water pollution is one of the biggest threats to the environment today.

There are several types of water pollution ranging from sewage and fertilizers to soil erosion. The impact of water pollution on aquatic life and land life can be devastating. The effects of water pollution are not always immediate. They are not always seen at the point of contamination. They are sometimes never known by the person responsible for the pollution. However, water pollution has a huge impact on our lives. With knowledge, consideration and preparation, water pollution can be decreased. There are various effects of water pollution. Spread of disease: Drinking polluted water can cause cholera or typhoid infections, along with diarrhea. Affects body organs: The consumption of highly contaminated water can cause injury to the heart and kidneys. Harms the food chain: Toxins within water can harm aquatic organisms, thus breaking a link in the food chain. Causes algae in water: Urea, animal manure and vegetable peelings are food for algae. Algae grow according to how much waste is in a water source. Bacteria feed off the algae, decreasing the amount of oxygen in the water. The decreased oxygen causes harm to other organisms living in the water. Flooding: The erosion of soil into waterways causes flooding, especially with heavy rainfall. Harms animals: Birds that get into oil-contaminated water die from exposure to cold water and air due to feather damage. Other animals are affected when they eat dead fish in contaminated streams.



The best solution for water pollution is prevention. While pollution that has already occurred is a current threat to all life on Earth, attempts to clean it up may cause even more harm.

Chemicals used to treat or clean up oil spills may further contaminate water supplies. Adjustments in temperature to counteract heat or cooling pollution may not achieve proper balance, leading to more loss of aquatic life.

Preventing water pollution does more for the environment by halting the level of pollutants where they are. This gives the environment needed time to begin to correct itself, and time for scientists to determine the best way to combat existing problems.

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