Portofoliul dnei Tagadiuc Stela

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Версія від 12:26, 5 березня 2014, створена Tagadiuc Stela (обговореннявнесок) (Cartea de vizită)

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Denumirea proiectului

Procesul de comunicare

Disciplina de bază, discipline secundare

Limba Engleza


Obiectivele elevilor/rezultatele instruirii 1. To develop speaking abilities 2. To introduce and practice giving and receiving feedback 3. To identify the types of listeners and improve listening skills 4. To analyze barries that sometimes make the communication less successful

Vârsta elevilor

Liceu(cl.11, real)

Noțiuni definitorii

Types of communication, tips for delivering a presentation, types of listeners, guidelines for giving and receiving feedback,means of communication.

Cartea de vizită

What are the characteristics of a „good conversationalist”? How can we make our messages clear to others? What is the difference between hearing and listening? How can we define the word”feedback”and why is it useful? What is important to keep in mind when giving and receiving feedback? How do the four types of listeners differ? What qualities should a good listener have? What skills should a good presenter posess? What tips could help us overcome anxiety while speaking? How can we correctly write a letter, post-card, sms, e-mail?


Activitățile profesorului/elevilor

Date despre autor

Nume, prenume

Studii, disciplina predată


Instituția Publică Liceul Teoretic ”C.Stere”, Soroca

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