[сховати]Disciplina de baza
Englis langua
Domeniul disciplinei
Virsta elevilor
Xth grade, 16-17 years old
Scurta descriere a proiectului
Publicație metoda proiectului [[1]] În cadrul unităţii de învăţare elevii vor studia următoarele teme: 1.Clasa peştii 2.Clasa amfibieni 3.Clasa reptile 4.Clasa păsari 5.Clasa mamiferelor 7. Evaluare sumativă Increngatura CORDATE-supraclasa pesti-clasa pestilor ososi,clasa pestilor cartilaginosi;clasa amfibieni,clasa reptile,clasa pasari, clasa mamifere. Paralela de comparatie a diferitor sisteme de organe. Aspectul evolutiv al scheletului, aspectul evolutiv al sistemului nervos, aspectul evolutiv al sistemului circulator, reproducerea, temperatura corpului legata de separarea sangelui arterial de cel venos. Activitatile-cheie: elevii vor studia, vor compara, vor deduce progresele biologice ale anatomiei si fiziologiei cordatelor, vor intelege aspectul dezvoltarii conform mediului in paralela de cmparatie. Produsele elevilor: Elevii vor cunoaste aspectul evolutiv al anatomiei si fiziologiei cordatelor. Elevii vor elabora referate, vor participa in activitati de invatare prin diverse domenii curiiculare si extracurricuare,elevii vor cunoaste amanuntit supraclasa pestilor-pestii oso Elevii isi vor asuma rolulrile de cercetatori, practicieni,transferul de cunostinte in practica de zi cu zi. Diversitatea cordatelor si utilizarea cunostintelor in practica vetii.
Obiectivele proiectului
Recunosterea vertebratelor ce apartin diferitor clase si ordine in baza utilizarii materialelor documentare (digitale); •Argumentarea rolului orgnismelor in natura si in viata omului; •Compararea diferitelor clase de vertebrate in baza structurii sistemelor vitale; •Diferentierea caracterelor distinctive ale vertebratelor la nivel de increngatura si clasa,ordine; •Familii,gen,specii; •Proiectarea actiunilor de ocrotire a organismelor,mediului de trai al reprezentantilor cordatelor;
Cartea de vizită a proiectului
The main questions the students have to look an answer for, during this unit, are: - What is the role of the public services in our everyday life? - Which are main daily activities you can’t do without? - Which are the entertainment opportunities a big city gives you in contrast to a smaller one? - Which are the differences between being public workers and customers? - Which are the differences between home maid food and that prepared in public places? - Which are the main factors that determine the means of transportation necessary for a specific locality?
A powerpoint presentation was created to structure a summary of the project:
Procesul de evaluare
Participating in discussions the students have the the possibility to express and exchange their knowledge regarding the topic of the lesson. The teacher evaluates the students’ abiities to use words and phrases correctly as well as the level of their knowledge in a specific domain. An exchange of opinions while brainstorming will help the sudents to remember all types of stores they know. The activity KWL is closely connected with silent reading as the second will help the students to fill in the LEARNED rubric with new information about the differences between fast food and home maid food. Participating in role playing activity the students will improve their communicative abilities, they will perform different situtions that describe relationship between customers and public workers. For a better understanding of the topics of the lessons PPT will be used while teaching and learning process, it will be also a good possibility to involve the students in searching information for their own presentations at the end of the unit. The Venn diagram will help to define the differences and similarities between types of diets. Qustioning and exercises will help to check the comprehension of the topics and to establish the difficulties the students face while individual study. The written grammar evaluation at the end of the unit will establish the level of grammar skills and will outline the weaknesses and the strengths.
Activitățile elevilor și a profesorului
During this unit the students will practice and improve their communicative skills. In this context a number of activities that are aimed to develop it are included into the plan. Every lesson will start with a short discussion, an introduction concerning every topic. Individual study is going to be practiced at the lessons, it will help the students to develop their researching skills and get ready for writing a short research paper on a given topic. Grammar lessons will be taught with the help of virtual variant of GRAMMARWAY, there the students can find additional explanation and exercises. Speaking about LONDON the students will use an online maps and additional books.
Date despre autor=
Teacher: Cazacu Oxana
Instituția de învățămînt
I.P.Liceul Teoretic "Mihai Eminescu" or. Cimislia