Учнівська вікі-стаття "Проблеми довкілля і шляхи їх розв'язання"

Матеріал з Iteach WIKI
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Назва проекту

Care about the Environment

Автори проекту

Папенко Надія, Красилюк Максим, Козленко Кирило

Тема дослідження

Проблеми довкілля і шляхи їх розв'язання

Проблема дослідження

Environmental Protection:the environmental pollution

Гіпотеза дослідження

The environmental problems are much spoken on TV, radio and in the newspapers nowadays. There are also a lot of ways to solve them. Some people are really concerned about our planet, about saving nature, people and wildlife. These people are from Greenpeace. They are good friends and protectors of nature. We think that we are also friends for nature because we try to plant a lot of trees and plants every year, help homeless animals. Speaking about air pollution, we can give several simple rules: to plant a lot of trees and plants, save plastic bags from the grocery and we can use them again. If we buy something, we ask ourselves if it is recyclabe, and if it doesn't pollute the environment. We also built bird feeders, and feed homeless animals. We try more to ride bicycles, than to drive a car. We want to be kids who saves the Earth and take care about the environment. We want to say that if people stop harming the nature - we will yave bright future and smell fresh air, but if not - our future will be terrible. People stop polluting the environment! Think about your kids!

Мета дослідження

To help people to understand this problem, find ways to solve it.

Результати дослідження


The different environmental pollution effects on flora, fauna and human beings. Pollutants have a direct impact on the quality of life and often have disastrous consequences. Industrialization is the main cause of the addition of pollutants to the environment. Although it is not possible to completely remove the pollutants from our environment, we should try to keep the emission of pollutants under control, thereby taking a step towards curbing pollution.

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