Шаблон:Infobox user

Матеріал з Iteach WIKI
Версія від 15:59, 18 червня 2012, створена Admin (обговореннявнесок) (Створена сторінка: {{Documentation subpage}} <!-- PLEASE ADD CATEGORIES AND INTERWIKIS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. --> ===Usage=== Copy and paste the template below. All paramete...)

(різн.) ←Попередня ревізія • Поточна версія (різн.) • Слідуюча ревізія→ (різн.)
Перейти до: Навігація, пошук

Шаблон:Documentation subpage


Copy and paste the template below. All parameters are optional. Parameter names must be in lower case. Виявлена петля у шаблонах: Шаблон:Infobox user

{{Infobox user
| color           = 
| fontcolor       = 
| tablecolor      = 
<!-- LEAD INFORMATION ---------->
| title           = <!-- optional, defaults to {{BASEPAGENAME}} -->
| status          = 
| image           = 
| image_caption   = 
| image_width     = 
| name            = 
| birthname       = 
| real_name       = 
| gender          = 
| birthdate       = 
| birthplace      = 
| location        = 
| country         = 
| timezone        = 
| current_time    = 
| nationality     = 
| ethnicity       = 
| race            = 
| height          = 
| weight          = 
| hair            = 
| eyes            = 
| blood_type      = 
| sexuality       = 
| iq              = 
| personality_type= 
<!-- FAMILY & FRIENDS ---------->
| marital status  = 
| spouse          = 
| girlfriend      = 
| boyfriend       = 
| children        = 
| siblings        = 
| pets            = 
| occupation      = 
| employer        = 
| education       = 
| college         = 
| university      = 
| highschool      = 
<!-- INTERESTS & BELIEFS ------->
| hobbies         = 
| religion        = 
| politics        = 
| aliases         = 
| movies          = 
| books           = 
| interests       = 
<!-- CONTACT INFO -------------->
| website         = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
| blog            = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
| email           = 
| icq             = 
| aim             = 
| gtalk           = 
| jabber          = 
| skype           = 
| msn             = 
| yahoo           = 
| mac             = 
| irc             = 
| facebook        = 
| google+         =
| pinterest       =
| twitter         = 
| youtube         = 
| flickr          =
<!-- SIGNATURE ----------------->
| signature       = 
<!-- PERMISSIONS ----------------->
| permissions     = 
<!-- SUBPAGES ----------------->
| subpages        =
<!-- Account statistics ------------->
| joined_date     = 
| first_edit      = 
| edit_count      = 
<!-- USERBOXES ----------------->
| userboxes       = 


