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Перейти до: Навігація, пошук
(Activitățile elevilor și a profesorului)
(Cartea de vizită a proiectului)
Рядок 43: Рядок 43:
to describe London as a place worth visiting;
to describe London as a place worth visiting;
to differentiate and use correctly SIMPLE and PROGRESSIVE TENSES in oral and written communication
to differentiate and use correctly SIMPLE and PROGRESSIVE TENSES in oral and written communication
- individual study
- role playing;
- group work/ pair work;
- project work.
• Role playing
• Questioning
• Oral presentation of the project work
• Exercises
• Written evaluation
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/  dictionary to be used while learning
http://addictions.about.com/od/lesserknownaddictions/a/shoppingadd.htm  shopping addiction
http://english-learners.com/2010/01/different-types-of-stores-shops.html types of shops
http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100503080032AARPOsM differences between healthy and junk food
http://www.visitlondon.com/things-to-do/place/22249-hm-tower-of-london?ref=mosaic  explore London
GRAMMARWAY  - virtual variant
=='''Procesul de evaluare'''==
=='''Procesul de evaluare'''==

Версія за 20:41, 17 грудня 2014

"'==Matematica Acest proiect are scopul de a gasi noi idei, noi metode de a studia geometria , in special

,,Poliedre” , ‚,Corpuri de rotatie”.

O întrebare amplă, majoră, care poate crea o punte între diverse unităţi de învăţare sau domenii de discipline.

Ce au invatat oamenii mai devreme: sa calculeze sau sa masoare?

Obiectivele de conţinut ce sunt evaluate şi pe care elevii  urmează să  le realizeze către sfîrşitul unităţii de învăţare.

-Sa recunoasca si sa clasifice poliedrle dupa diferite criterii; -Sa construiasca sectiunile poliedrelor cu diferite plane; -Sa recunoasca figurile geometrice plane din cadrul poliedrelor -Sa utilizeze in diferite contexte proprietatile poliedrelor -Sa utilizeze in diferite contexte formulele pentru calcul ariilor suprafetelor si volumelor poliedrelor..

Vîrsta elevilor, clasa

clasa a 10-a, 16-17 ani

Scurta descriere a proiectului

1. During this unit the students are going to improve their communicative abilities regarding: - everyday conversational formulas; - daily routine activities; - types of shops and department stores; - eating habits;

they will get acknowledged with the TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IN LONDON;
The students will also develop their grammar skills regarding SIMPLE and PROGRESSIVE TENSES.

2. The main activities will be based on: - individual study - role playing; - group work/ pair work; - project work. 3. By the end of the unit the students have to: - present a PPT on TYPES OF STORES AND THE THINGS YOU CAN BUY THERE; - make up a recommended healthy diet for different categories of people; - describe one day tour through London (mentioning places, monuments, museums, etc.); - write a research paper on SHOPPING, IS IT ADDICTABLE OR NOT or PEOPLE’S EATING HABITS

Cartea de vizită a proiectului

OBJECTIVES to use correctly conversational formulas while going shopping or eating out; to distinguish between different types of stores and the places you can eat at; to describe London as a place worth visiting; to differentiate and use correctly SIMPLE and PROGRESSIVE TENSES in oral and written communication MAIN ACTIVITIES - individual study - role playing; - group work/ pair work; - project work. MAIN TYPES OF EVALUATION Discussions • Role playing • PPT • Questioning • Oral presentation of the project work • Exercises • Written evaluation THEMES FOR INDIVIDUL WORK SHOPPING, IS IT ADDICTABLE OR NOT PEOPLE’S EATING HABITS REFERENCES http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ dictionary to be used while learning http://addictions.about.com/od/lesserknownaddictions/a/shoppingadd.htm shopping addiction http://english-learners.com/2010/01/different-types-of-stores-shops.html types of shops http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100503080032AARPOsM differences between healthy and junk food http://www.visitlondon.com/things-to-do/place/22249-hm-tower-of-london?ref=mosaic explore London GRAMMARWAY - virtual variant

Procesul de evaluare

Participating in discussions the students have the the possibility to express and exchange their knowledge regarding the topic of the lesson. The teacher evaluates the students’ abiities to use words and phrases correctly as well as the level of their knowledge in a specific domain. An exchange of opinions while brainstorming will help the sudents to remember all types of stores they know. The activity KWL is closely connected with silent reading as the second will help the students to fill in the LEARNED rubric with new information about the differences between fast food and home maid food. Participating in role playing activity the students will improve their communicative abilities, they will perform different situtions that describe relationship between customers and public workers. For a better understanding of the topics of the lessons PPT will be used while teaching and learning process, it will be also a good possibility to involve the students in searching information for their own presentations at the end of the unit. The Venn diagram will help to define the differences and similarities between types of diets. Qustioning and exercises will help to check the comprehension of the topics and to establish the difficulties the students face while individual study. The written grammar evaluation at the end of the unit will establish the level of grammar skills and will outline the weaknesses and the strengths.

Activitățile elevilor și a profesorului

During this unit the students will practice and improve their communicative skills. In this context a number of activities that are aimed to develop it are included into the plan. Every lesson will start with a short discussion, an introduction concerning every topic. Individual study is going to be practiced at the lessons, it will help the students to develop their researching skills and get ready for writing a short research paper on a given topic. Grammar lessons will be taught with the help of virtual variant of GRAMMARWAY, there the students can find additional explanation and exercises. Speaking about LONDON the students will use an online maps and additional books

Date despre autor=

Instituția de învățămînt

Liceul Teoretic "Mihai Eminescu"
