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12-13 років, 7 клас
12-13 років, 7 клас
Misha should help his team. Grammar Present Perfect. Past Simple
Misha should help his team. Grammar Present Perfect. Past Simple
Особенности употребления Present Perfect и Past Simple  
Особенности употребления Present Perfect и Past Simple  

Версія за 18:16, 4 листопада 2012

Коваль Русана Миколаівна

Одеська спеціаілізована школа №117 I - III ступенів Одеської міської ради Одеської області

вчитель англійської мови

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Вік учнів, клас

12-13 років, 7 клас

Misha should help his team. Grammar Present Perfect. Past Simple Особенности употребления Present Perfect и Past Simple

Глаголы в форме Present Perfect и Past Simple переводятся на русский язык глаголами прошедшего времени.

I hare already written a letter. — Я уже написал письмо. I wrote a letter yesterday. — Я написал письмо вчера.

Однако между употреблением этих времен есть существенные различия.

Present Perfect употребляется: для выражения действий, совершившихся в прошлом, результат которых значим в настоящий момент; для выражения действий, которые произошли в еще не закончившийся период времени:today, this month, in my life.

Present Perfect не употребляется с обозначением места или времени совершения действия и, следовательно, никогда не употребляется в вопросах, начинающихся с When и Where.

Исключение составляет вопрос Where have you been? — Где ты был?, если он задается в начале разговора.

Past Simple употребляется:

для выражения действий, совершившихся в прошлом и не имеющих связи с настоящим; с указаниями места и времени совершения действия: at school, in the shop, yesterday, in 1991.

Различия в употреблении Present Perfect и Past Simple Present Perfect I can't unlock the door, because I have lost my key.— Я не могу отпереть дверь, потому что я потерял ключ. (Ключ потерян в прошлом, неизвестно когда, но сейчас я не могу отпереть дверь. Для говорящего важен факт отсутствия ключа.) I have visited my Granny twice this year. — Я посетил бабушку дважды в этом году. (Год еще не закончился.) I have never seen a UFO. — Я никогда не видел HЛO. (Я пока еще никогда не видел НЛО. Но моя жизнь продолжается. Возможно, я еще его увижу.)

Past Simple I lost my key two weeks ago.— Я потерял ключ 2 недели назад. (Ключ потерян 2 недели назад. Для говорящего важно, когда он был потерян.) I saw them this morning.— Я видел их сегодня утром. (Утро закончилось — 4 часа дня.) Queen Elizabeth I never saw a car. — Королева Елизавета I никогда не видела машину. (Говоря о Елизавете I, мы говорим о законченном периоде времени в прошлом, поскольку она давно умерла.)

1 Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. 1. I (read) already this book. 2. My father (read) this book last year. 3. I (be) never to London. 4. My friend (be) in London last year. 5. I (see) this dress in the shop next to my house. 6. Everybody (see) already this dress. I want to buy a new one.

2 Listen and read. skiing — катание на лыжах skating — катание на коньках to compete — соревноваться a competition — соревнование a team — команда sharks — акулы bears — медведи to earn — зарабатывать a point — очко а сир — кубок training — тренировка to give up (an activity) — бросать(какое-либо занятие)

3 Misha is talking to his teacher Mr Grams. Look at their faces. How do they feel? Choose from these words.

to be angry, to be scared, to be happy, to be sad, to be sorry, to be excited, to be interested

4 Listen, read and answer the question: Why does Mr Grams call Misha a tiger?

Mr Grams: I want to talk to you, Inin. You are the worst tiger, we have ever had! Misha: What? Why am I a tiger, sir? Mr Grams: There are four teams in our school: the Tigers, the Bears, the Sharks and the Foxes. When a new pupil comes to school, he goes into one of the teams. The teams compete. If you do something good, you earn your team points. If you do something bad, you lose your team points. At the end of the year one team wins and gets a cup. It is very important for everybody at school. Misha: I am sorry, sir, I didn't know about it, sir. Mr Grams: Then I am telling you: "You are a tiger. I am the head of your team and you have already lost us twenty points." Misha: Why have I lost all these points, sir? Mr Grams: You have already been late three times and you've had three detentions. Misha: When was I late, sir? Mr Grams: Well, you were late on Monday, 12 October, on Thursday, 15 October and last Friday. What should I do now, sir? You must earn some points for your team. But how, sir? There are a lot of activities you can do and earn points. Have you ever done any sports? Misha: Yes, I have. I've done skiing and skating. I did skiing when I was seven and I did skating when I was four. But I gave up years ago. Mr Grams: I think you should look at this list of activities and choose something. Misha: Thank you, sir.

In English schools pupils have to address men teachers "Sir" and women teachers "Miss" or "Mrs'.'

5 Find in the text and copy into your copy-books.

• Sentences in the Past Simple • Sentences in the Present Perfect

Прокомментируйте правила употребления этих времен, используя правила, изученные вами на этом и на предыдущих уроках.

6 Answer true, false or no information.

1. Misha is a bear. 2. Misha didn't know anything about the team system. 3. This competition is very important for all the pupils of St David's School. 4. Misha has earned his team twenty points. 5. Misha doesn't want to compete. 6. Misha wants to help his team. 7. Nobody likes Misha because he has lost his team twenty points. 8. Misha lost some points on Monday, 12 October. 9. Misha can earn some points if he chooses an activity.

7 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text.

There are four ... in St David's School: the Tigers, the ..., the ... and the The teams .... Every new ... goes into one of the teams. If a pupil does something good, he / she .... his / her team .... If a pupil does something bad, he / she ... his / her team .... Pupils can also earn points if they do ... .

8 What about your school? Do you have any teams and competitions? Do you like competitions? Has your class ever won?

9 In pairs. In his life Mark has had some hobbies. Act out a dialogue between Mark and the reporter. Ask Mark and write: When did he have these hobbies?

10 Listen and fill in the table. How old was Masha when she had these hobbies? Tell your classmates about them.

11 Listen again and say: Why did Masha give up swimming, gardening and playing the piano?


A Translate from Russian into English.

1. Они построили дом в прошлом году. 2. Сегодня он уже видел своего друга. 3. В этом году я получила уже шесть хороших оценок. 4. Папа только что принес фрукты. 5. В прошлом году я прочитала две английские книги.

В Write: How many hobbies have you had in your life? How many have you given up? How old were you when you had these hobbies? Why did you give up?